Download Instructions for LandMentor

Landmentor and PlanningTank


To tear down the roadblock to sustainability, design education and technology needed to merge engineering, surveying, architecture, and planning to eliminate the barriers to sustainability in the current uncollaborative design industry.

Instructions for downloading LandMentor & supporting material

To use all the functionality of LandMentor software you will be required to obtain Product License (either student license or professional). To get access to student version you can register here  (link opens in new tab). For paid version contact us on [email protected] and we will get back to you with more details.

You need to download following file (All links open in new tab/window)

  1. LandMentor Software (approx. 440 MB .exe file)
  2. Initial Training Files (with video) (approx. 460 MB .zip file) OR [Initial Training Files EXCLUDING VIDEO  approx. 45MB]
  3. LandMentor Manual (approx. 110 MB .zip file)
  4. Sample 3 D models (approx. 410 MB .zip file)
  5. Prefurbia Book  (recommended but optional)
  6. Sample Projects (Optional)

To download just click on the links above after which file will start to download or you will be taken to a page with relevant information. Once downloaded you will be required to unzip the “.zip” files. You will need a free pdf reader to view the files and use inbuilt help option in the software.

*Kindly download the software from link above and delete any other version (if you have downloaded earlier)

After downloading the files

  1. Install the LandMentor software (.exe file)
  2. After installation you will be shown a licensing screen as shown below

LandMentor Default License Screen

  1. Clicking the box below “Purchase License” will enable you to enter more information as shown in screen below

License screen with check box selected


4. Enter the details as received from from [email protected] & click “Get License”

Once you enter the correct information, you will be able to use all features of LandMentor and all the options will be available. If you see a screen as shown below that means you have successfully installed the software & viewer.

LandMentor active screen

If the license details are incorrect, you are using a viewer or the license has expired you will see a screen of LandMentor “Viewer” as shown below but you can still use it to open the LandMentor files. It looks similar to that with an active license but the options as shown below will be unavailable.

LandMentor Viewer only

We are in process of adding more information & step wise procedure! For any information/query write to us on [email protected]