GIS Application in Urban Planning Projects

Use of GIS Application in Urban Planning Projects

GIS Application help us in forecasting & analysing the undesirable outcomes by preparing model. The greatest risk involved in any project is that the decisions made in haste will prove too costly to implement. To avoid those bad experiences, GIS professionals, experts analysts and planners need to have a well-defined planning methodology often referred to as project life-cycle. Project life cycle of planning project involves setting up of goals and objectives, defining the targets, proper scheduling and estimating budgets for a whole GIS project. These projects are sometimes expensive in terms of both time and money because it requires high-end hardware equipment and software. Data acquisition for the project also becomes very expensive affair for a particular assignment. Cost valuation issues focus on fair determination of staff training, procurement of hardware equipment and software and other costs i.e. data, expert services particularly when comparing alternative implementation scenarios.

Roughly you can divide the costs of a GIS into the following components:

  • Hardware, Software and Maintenance issue– GIS user has to be very clear about the computing environment and software which are being used in projects and aspects like, leadership in industry, flexibility of the software, software customization, stability of the software provider, cost and maintenance of the software are very significant factor for vendor
  • Services – Hardware and Software resources to fulfill the GIS project objectives
  • Training – For using GIS technology one has to improve a solution to its use and proper training is necessary for thorough knowledge of principles, methods, techniques and practices related to GIS. Also considerable knowledge of computer applications and ability to use a variety of software products, hardware capabilities and a wide variety of software applications is a must for GIS users.
  • Data (if obtained from elsewhere) – Data acquisition for GIS planning projects depends on the type of project and it can vary from project to project. Data can be collected from primary or secondary sources (i.e. census data, maps, field data, satellite imagery data).

GIS Application

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