Some Tips To Promote Environmental Protection

Some Tips To Promote Environmental Protection

Pollution, especially in our cities, has become a worrying problem because it is responsible for a certain number of pathologies, in particular allergies, respiratory diseases and cancers.

To guarantee the great ecological balance and safeguard our environment, my program has the following objectives:

  • Preserve biodiversity;
  • improve the living environment;
  • promote adaptive capacities in the face of climate change;
  • promote economic governance.

I remain convinced that the development of the green economy will be built on the basis of existing policies and measures and the consolidation of the country’s proven experiences. This is why I make the commitment to carry out strong actions in these fields.

Environmental Protection Tips

The effective and sustainable management of natural resources will require the following measures:

  • The rehabilitation and restoration of classified areas (recovery of degraded or occupied land, reforestation, etc.) as carbon sinks and last reservoirs of biodiversity in the country;
  • improved and sustainable forest management;
  • strengthening and / or setting up a national information system on the environment (species, ecosystems, etc.) and the development of national indicators capable of establishing the state of biodiversity, environment and sustainable development, the pressures and measures to be implemented for sustainable management of the environment;
  • the preservation of wildlife and the development of wildlife protection areas with the establishment of a forest (registration of classified areas), as well as the promotion of wildlife sectors.

For the improvement of the living environment, I will ensure better management of the environment through the implementation of the following actions:

  • Strengthening the fight against pollution and promoting sanitation. Strong measures will be taken to support urban and rural communities in the management of solid waste, control of sources of pollution, etc.). In addition, a participatory sanitation program will be entrusted to local communities in order to maintain our healthy and healthy living environment;
  • the systematization and obligation of strategic environmental assessment of national policies, plans and programs and the strengthening of monitoring of environmental and social management plans for development projects;
  • encouraging local authorities to adopt the principle of green cities by landscaping their living environment. For this, a competition in this area will be set up to reward innovative initiatives.

To reduce greenhouse gas emissions , the transport sector, which is the most polluting sector, will be regulated, in particular through legislation on the importation of used vehicles and the strengthening of technical controls. In addition, an urban mobility program for the development of public transport will be drawn up and implemented.

Read our Featured Guide on – What is environmental protection?

The promotion of the green economy will require a transition process towards a better society more able to adapt to climate change. To this end , I will initiate the following actions:

  • The development of a support program for the development of the green economy in India accompanied by an institutional reform that carries our ambition with the creation of a fully-fledged structure for the promotion of the green economy;
  • the adoption of the environmental management system by all public and private companies in the context of social and environmental responsibility in order to control their ecological footprint;
  • the creation of eco-villages as models of sustainable development and grassroots democracy. Thus, 2,000 eco-villages will be set up on a pilot basis.

Building a national citizen conscience for the protection of the environment is a requirement for which I undertake to:

  • Promote eco-citizenship through environmental education which will be integrated into basic programs at the primary and post-primary levels;
  • to further stimulate ecological citizenship for the benefit of the general public in order to encourage the emergence of a purely eco-citizen generation.

In terms of promoting environmental governance , I will ensure:

  • The development of environmental governance tools, taking into account green growth: legislative and regulatory instruments for ecological taxation (application of the “polluter pays” principle), monitoring and evaluation instruments, etc .;
  • strengthening the capacities of actors by increasing the number of public agents in the environment sector, training private actors intervening in the sector.

For more further detailed information, read our guides on the related topics –

  1. What are the Environmental Protection Laws in Ghana
  2. What are the Environmental Protection Laws in India