How students can make use of AI & ML?

Technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning aren’t just some mere concepts in a random science fiction film. These define the reality of today’s world. You may not realize it, but both these technologies are changing our lives from moment to moment. From Google’s AI-powered predictions to automatic essay typers, the real-life applications of AI and ML are endless. So, what’s about its impact on education?


AI technologies like NLP and machine learning are applied to education to enhance students’ performance and their learning experience. In fact, AI is expected to reach USD 3.68 billion in the education sector at a CAGR of 47% through 2018 till 2023. AI in education isn’t about replacing teachers and employing robots in the classroom. It is about making education easier and more accessible to students. Here are the top four ways students can make the best use of AI and ML to enhance their overall educational experience.

1. Personalized learning

Let’s say there are 50 students in a class. It is not possible for any teacher to attend to all the 50 students in a class of 30 minutes. Outcome? Some students may have unresolved queries regarding the topics discussed in class, while others may not understand the topic at all. Artificial intelligence and machine learning, on the other hand, can help teachers understand each student’s academic strengths, interests and skills. The teachers can then customize specific learning plans on the basis of how the students learn, what are their skills, what they already know and what they are interested in.

How is personalized learning useful for students?

  • Not all students are the same and they shouldn’t be treated the same way either. Personalized learning makes it possible for teachers to guide each student on an individualized journey. For instance, let’s say student ‘A’ is a slow learner. With personalized learning, that student gets the opportunity to learn at her own pace without having to rush through the lessons unnecessarily.
  • You can also set short and long-term goals with your teachers. This can help you take ownership of your learning. For instance, let’s say you find essay writing a tedious task. Instead of getting online assignment help, you could set a goal of learning how to write essays within a specific time period after consulting with your teachers.
  • You can also opt for project-based learning and learn to demonstrate your skills in the right way and at the right place. This learning method lets you gain knowledge and acquire skills by responding to an engaging and complex problem or question.

As per a study by the Gates Foundation, personalized learning substantially improved students’ math test scores. Students in the Belmont-Cragin Elementary School could get all the information they need and close their learning gaps due to personalized learning.

2. Smart content

Textbooks are taking a new turn due to the advent of AI and ML. Now, AI systems are customizing subject-specific textbooks based on traditional syllabuses to produce digitized study guides for elementary and post-secondary students. Several companies have already started developing smart content for students using AI. Cram101, for instance, breakdowns textbook content into easily understandable smart study guides. These guides include multiple choice practice tests, chapter summaries and flashcards.

Similarly, JustTheFacts101 embraced a more streamlined process to archive chapter-specific summaries and text into a digital collection. Other companies such as Netex learning design digital content and curriculum that is made available across a wide number of devices.

How is smart content useful for students?

  • Reading an entire textbook is often tedious and time-consuming. But, you can heave a sigh of relief since the smart content tends to break down and explain complicated textbook content via practice tests, chapter summaries and flashcards.
  • You can also enjoy interactive content, comprehensive assessments and real-time feedback on smart digital content platforms. How often have you dozed off to sleep because the textbook content was boring? Now you needn’t have to worry about dozing off because smart content is interactive.
  • Smart content platforms let educators design customized content and curriculum. These usually work on all kinds of devices. Customized content may consist of multimedia elements like audio and video relevant to multiple subjects. You will also find gamification techniques, self-assessment practice sets and simulation systems on smart content.

3. Real-time automatic feedback

As per expert ghost writers, real-time feedback can do wonders for any students’ academic performance. But, it is not always possible for teachers to provide the students with the same. After all, they may have to assess thousands of academic papers every day. Teachers may also not have time to consult with each student every time they make a mistake in their documents. This is where the role of AI and ML comes into play.

AI systems identify the mistakes you might have made in your paper and send an alert message to your teachers regarding that. You will also get customized automatic feedback about the errors you made in your document, along with the hints to the right answer. That way, you needn’t have to wait for your professors to assess your copy and then get back to you regarding your performance.

How else does it help students?

  • Most students end up getting online assignment help because they couldn’t understand any specific chapter or topic. Now you needn’t have to worry about your queries or doubts since real-time feedback fills in the learning gaps that often occur in complex courses. This system ensures that all students are on the same page.
  • Let’s say your class has been asked to write a persuasive essay for the first time. Chances are you will make some mistakes initially. But wouldn’t it be harder for you to correct the errors if your professors point them out after a month or so? AI and ML make it possible for you to receive immediate and accurate feedback.

4. Special education

Not all children can blend in with their classmates easily. Some may find it hard to get the hang of the teacher’s instructions, while others may find it difficult to follow the textbook content. I am talking about children with special learning disabilities. Parents had to look for a special school where these children could be cared for and taught at their pace. But now, AI and ML can make a stark difference in the lives of differently-abled children.

Here’s how AI and ML make things easier in special education:

  • Detects disability– At times, even parents do not understand if their kids are suffering from some kind of learning disability. And by the time they understand, it gets too late. AI-based testing systems these days can help identify children who might be having learning abilities.
  • Aids learning– AI brings forth special learning tools depending on the students’ problems. For instance, autistic kids usually have problems with both verbal and non-verbal communication. So, humanoid social robots such as QTrobot and NAO robot have been developed to help these kids develop more social skills.
  • Improves concentration skills– Children often struggle to concentrate on a specific subject or even task. But, AI systems such as Smart Tutoring Model can evaluate the mood and concentration level of each student. It can then develop a learning session that is best suited for a specific child.

Wrapping Up,

As mentioned earlier, integrating AI and ML in education doesn’t mean teachers should be replaced. It means that education is made more accessible to all kinds of students all over the world. The problem, however, is AI-based education is available only to a limited number of students, especially to the ones who have a smartphone and an Internet connection. So, we will just have to wait and see when this advanced & better form of learning is made available to EVERYONE.