Development plan & scope of development Plan as per UDPFI Guidelines

What is a Development Plan

Development plan prepared within the framework of the approved perspective plan is a medium-term (5 years) comprehensive plan of spatio-economic development of the urban centre. The objective of a development plan is to provide further necessary details and intended actions in the form of strategies and physical proposals for various policies given in the perspective plan depending upon the economic and social needs and aspiration of the people, available resources and priorities. A local authority cannot adopt a development plan unless it is conceived within the framework of the perspective plan, which is approved or is in the process of being approved

Scope of Development Plan

The scope of this plan covers an assessment of current issues, prospects, priorities and proposals for development of the urban centre including employment generation, economic base, transportation and land use, housing and other infrastructure; and matters like environment, conservation and ecology. It also contains implementation strategies, agency-wise (including private sector) schemes/projects, development promotion rules, and resource mobilization plan with particular reference to finance, land and manpower and provides an efficient system of monitoring and review.

Depending upon the urgency of the needs and priorities requiring special treatment and covering special aerial extant development plans for specific subjects could also be prepared within the framework of the perspective plan and covering the area of jurisdiction of the local authority. These plans could be traffic and transportation plan, tourism development plan, environmental conservation plan, heritage conservation plan, mining sites reclamation plan, coastal area development plan, highway corridor development and such others.

A development plan is a statutory plan, approved and adopted by the local authority for implementation with the help of schemes and projects. Its proposals are precise and definite.

It makes known publicly the intention of the local authority regarding physical, social and economic development of the urban centre, the facilities and services that are proposed to be provided in near future (next 5 years). It notifies the property owners the manner in which their properties will be affected; and it informs the developers about the areas where opportunities for investment will be available.

The time frame of 5 years expediently suits the provisions of 74th Constitution Amendment Act (74th CAA) where, under article 243U(i), the duration of municipalities the local authority for development plan preparation, adoption and implementation is a period of 5 years. A plan and a planning process that provides opportunities to incorporate the needs of the urban centre and development aspirations of the people through the elected representatives would be desirable, acceptable to people and be dynamic as it will have better adaptability to change.

Fig. 2 Continuous and participatory development plans

Development Plan

The elected local authority (LA-i) soon after assuming office takes actions to review the existing plan and prepares the development plan which will be for five years, the first three years of which shall be during and up to the end of the term of LA-i and the next two years will fall during the term of the next local authority LA-j. This authority will implement the plan for three years up to the end of their term. The LA-j after assuming office will review the progress of 3 years’ implementation of the development plan by LA-i -which will provide input for the preparation of development plan for the next 5 years. During the two-year period of review and preparation of development plan, LA-j will have an approved plan for implementation and by the time its validity expires, the next plan up to the year 12, will be ready. LA-j will implement this plan up to end of its term and the process will continue. This ensures a continuous process of planning, implementation, review and further planning without any break. This also ensures that an elected local authority after assuming office reviews the plan formulated by its predecessors, prepares the development plan following its policies, priorities and ideology and implements the same up to the end of its term.

As suggested by these guidelines, under the Model Urban and Regional Planning and Development Law (Revised) each municipality constituted under the municipal act shall be the planning and development authority to prepare development plan for whole or part of the area under its jurisdiction.


Read about: Scope & Purpose of Perspective Plan as per UDPFI guidelines