Planning of Adarsh Gram, Dhaul Kalan (Amritsar Constituency)

Thesis Title:  Planning of Adarsh Gram, Dhaul Kalan (Amritsar Constutuency)


Integrated development of the village in multiple areas such as agriculture, health, education, sanitation, environment, livelihoods etc., to provide physical infrastructure and access to basic amenities and also to improve and enrich social capital and build community spirit.


To generate model of local level development in rural area in order to substantially improve the village through improved basic amenities, higher productivity, livelihood opportunities, access to facilities and services using social mobilization and social capital.


  • Study of various best practices, concepts, technologies, innovations, policies and schemes related to rural Planning and development
  • Baseline survey, participatory situation analysis, resource mapping and identification of village needs and priorities in an integrated manner.
  • Preparation of Village development plan on the basis of the needs prioritized by the people, norms and standards
  • Calculation of costs and integration of proposals with various schemes and implementation strategies


  • Organisational and financial structure of the groups and communities that will be formed
  • Architectural and engineering details of the proposals will not be deal

Need for Study

  • There is a need to develop an example of local level development with larger community participation in both decision making and implementation, which can help other villages in the surroundings to learn and replicate these efforts which will further led to upliftment of whole region.
  • In order to check migration to the urban centres and to increase the economic base in the rural areas there is a need to create a model that demonstrates the optimum utilization of resource potential.


Gram Panchayat Dhaul Kalan State Punjab
Block Verka Population (Primary survey, 2015) 3124


In order to develop the rural India Honourable Prime Minister of India Sh. Narendra Modi launched the Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana on 11th October, 2014. According to the Government of India, Adarsh Grams are the nucleus of health, cleanliness, greenery and cordiality within the community. According to Union Minister of Rural Development, Panchayati Raj, Drinking Water and Sanitation the scheme envisages integrated development of the village across multiple areas such as agriculture, health, education, sanitation, environment, livelihoods etc. It seeks to not only provide physical infrastructure and access to basic amenities but also improve the standard of living, enrich social capital and build community spirit.

Rural Planning

The dissertation is a rural planning project deals with various physical, social and economic characteristics of a village. The Project “Planning for Adarsh Gram, Dhaul Kalan” is prepared according to the Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana or in other words the approach is based on the guidelines and objectives set under this scheme. Since the projects in the government as well as private institutes/companies are prepared under the given framework and the innovative ideas are tried to blend with the provided rules and guidelines that’s why, in order to make the project more practical the Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana has been selected as the driving force for the project.

For implementing the scheme all the MPs are directed to select a village Panchayat in their constituency for developing it as an Adarsh Gram. Lok Sabha Member “Capt. Amarinder Singh” (Member from AmritsarConstituency) has selected the Gram Panchayat “Dhaul Kalan”.

The Gram Panchayat Dhaul Kalan lies in Verka Block of Amritsar District in the state of Punjab. The Village is a part of Amritsar Constituency having population of 3124 according to the Primary survey, February 2015.Village has an area of 378 hectares and lies in the plain area of Punjab just 12 Kms away from the district headquarter and metropolitan city of Amritsar. Rajasanasi Minor touches the boundary of the village. Village is not located on main road but Ram Tirath Road is just 3.68 Kms away. Village doesn’t have a dispensary and High school and known for insanitary conditions.

The project is guided by the following approaches. First, engaging with the community through door to door socio-economic survey and public opinion surveys, special opinion surveys of women, old age, agricultural workers, youth and schedule caste etc., resource mapping explaining availability of resources and problems and involving people in it. This helps in identification of various problems, potentials and help in people’s participation which is the key spirit of the project. Secondly, converging different government programmes and voluntary initiatives to achieve comprehensive development in tune with people’s needs and local potential.


Planning of Adarsh Gram, Dhaul Kalan (Amritsar Constituency) - Methodology

Keywords: Rural Planning, Resource Mapping, Model Village, Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana

Author – Rishab Gaba
Guide – Ar. Ravi Inder Singh Cheema
University – Guru Nanak Dev University
Undergraduate – B.Tech (Urban and Regional Planning)
Year of thesis completion – 2015

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