Urban Planners Quiz

Importance and need of urban planning are realised when the city and its people face challenges. This is where the role of Urban Planners come into play as they have the knowledge and skill set to address these challenging issues and provide relief to the urban areas and its residents.

Can you identify some renowned urban planners from across the world who made a mark in the history?

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An American urban planner, architect and a writer who along with his other colleagues, founded the Regional Planning Association of America in 1923 to address major planning issues.

Clarence Stein

He was a 20th century architect and planner who promoted hierarchy, hugeness and centralism.

Le Corbusier

A planner, educator and author who was a former director of Cleveland city planning commission (1969-1979).

Norman Krumholz

This American urban planner was director of Philadelphia's City Planning Commission from 1949-1970.

Edmund Bacon

An English urban planner who founded the famous Garden City Movement.

Ebenezer Howard

This urbanist and activist had no formal training as a planner. She introduced ground-breaking ideas about how cities function, evolve and fail in her book named ‘The Death and Life of Great American Cities’

Jane Jacobs

He was known as the “master builder” of mid-20th century New York City, Long Island and Westchester County, New York whose planning philosophy was car oriented..

Robert Moses

He was internationally known for his writings on cities, technology, architecture, literature and modern life and was called “the last of the great humanists”.

Lewis Mumford

This American urban planner is known for his influential works which include 'The image of the City'.

Kevin Lynch

He was a Scottish biologist and sociologist who introduced the concept of "region" to the field of planning.

Patrick Geddes

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