SITAR Theory


“A model is defined as a set of variables classified as endogenous and exogenous, cause-effect relationships among these variables and the consistency of these relations” (H. Correa, 1975).

It is likely difficult to make an unambiguous meaning of the idea of cultural Planning. In any case, planning deals with the future. As such, planning is a policy measure to achieve an ideal circumstance. Second, planning is tied in with acknowledging solid goals and dreams in this future. In this manner, it isn’t only any future one needs, yet a future connected to uncommon assumptions. Third, planning has a strong premise in logical information.

During the 1950s, numerous thoughts arose regarding how one ought to continue to guarantee the most ideal outcomes by planning. The ideal was the logical model which from numerous points of view had been an unfit achievement. Presently this achievement was to be moved to sociology, including the field of planning.SITAR model components

SITAR model was then portrayed as a bunch of five conventions, for example, synoptic planning, incremental planning, transactive planning, advocacy planning, rational planning and radical planning. These in no way, shape or form exhaust the scope of contemporary planning customs, however, they cover enough ground to delineate the significant improvements in planning hypothesis and practice since about 1960, advancements which have grown up. Every one of the five conventions to be considered as an inside steady, self-strengthening organization of strategies, information necessities, proficient abilities, and working styles. Each has its epistemology for approving data and its institutional setting for incorporating thoughts. Each sees the public interest in its particular manner, mirroring its specific appraisal of human instinct and its feeling of the genuine scope of mediations in social, financial, and political cycles.

Five Parts of the Model:

Synoptic planning or Rational planning:

Synoptic planning is a continuous cycle of understanding an issue, building up and assessing planning measures, making alternatives, executing alternatives, and checking the progress of the picked alternatives.

  • It is utilized in planning areas and locales.
  • It is focal in the advancement of transport planning and present-day planning.
  • It is focused on choices and rules that depend on the rationale and logical techniques.
  • It incorporates exhaustive long-range see and an efficient, logical methodology in a planning cycle.

Synoptic planning, or the rational approach, is the prevailing custom, and the purpose of flight for most other planning draws near, which speaks to either adjustment of synoptic judiciousness or responses against it. Synoptic planning consists of four traditional components:

  • setting goal,
  • policy alternatives formulation or identification,
  • impact assessment or evaluation of means with ends,
  • implementation of the policy.

The cycle isn’t constantly attempted in this grouping, and each stage allows different emphases, input circles, and elaboration of sub-measures.

Synoptic planning ordinarily takes a gander at issues from a frameworks perspective, utilizing calculated or numerical models relating ends (goals) to means (assets and limitations) with weighty dependence on numbers and quantitative investigation. the approach is its essential straightforwardness. The crucial issues tended to end, means, compromises, activity taking-enter essentially any planning attempt.

There is a supported argumentative pressure between synoptic planning and every one of the other partner speculations; neither side of the discussion feels great with its inverse, yet they can’t manage without one another. Each characterizes the other by its weaknesses, each hones the other’s unfair edge of goals and achievements.


  • Requires extraordinary arrangement of data.
  • Assumes normal, quantifiable rules are accessible and settled upon.
  • Assumes precise, steady, and complete information on all the alternatives, inclinations, goals, and results.
  • Assumes a normal, sensible, non – political world.

Incremental planning:

“Incremental planning is the most widely noted alternative model to comprehensive rational planning” (Mitchell, 2002).

“It is based on ‘bounded’ instrumental rationality” (Larsen, 2003).

Rather than taking one gigantic jump towards tackling an issue, the incremental model separates the dynamic cycle into little advances. The cycle of then moving between the steps is known as muddling through and depends on the blend of involvement, instinct, speculating, and utilizing various methods. This model was created by Charles Lindblom.

The case for incremental planning gets from a progression of reactions levelled at synoptic judiciousness: its inhumanity toward existing institutional exhibition abilities; its reductionist epistemology; its inability to value the intellectual furthest reaches of chiefs, who can’t “advance” however just “satisfice” decisions by progressive approximations. Incrementalists additionally disagree with the synoptic custom of communicating social qualities (from the earlier goal setting; fake detachment of ends from means; assumption of public interest instead of pluralist interests).


  • Makes choices on everyday premise and spotlights on minor, incremental enhancements.
  • Analysis completed without the development assurance of goals.
  • Consideration of a couple of alternatives that are hardly unique to each other.
  • Simplified, restricted examinations among a couple of alternatives.
  • Modest multifaceted nature and thoroughness of information assortment, examination, and estimating.
  • No long-haul goals or vision.
  • Flexibility – choices can be effectively changed or altered on the off chance that they later end up being suitable.


  • A modest number of alternatives and results are considered at each phase of the dynamic cycle. Therefore, the expenses of planning are limited.
  • The prompt impact is negligible and typically not problematic as each progression is proposing just a little change.
  • Simple and adaptable.


  • Limiting the number of alternatives and results considered normally makes a chance of missing the most ideal arrangement.
  • Decision-creators for the most part settle for an adequate ‘sufficient’ alternative and the nature of an ultimate choice brings down.
  • Often difficult to reveal a radical proposition utilizing this methodology, since the change at each stage should be little.
  • Works just for circumstances where nonstop dynamic and execution are satisfactory.

Transactive planning:

Transactive planning is one alternative rather than complete sensible planning. This sort of acumen depends on individual correspondence and talk among planners and the people influenced by planning. It depends on Social learning theories, gathering, and sharing information, and helping social developments with acquiring from their experiences. In Transactive planning, the goal is shared learning. The transactive planning approach bases on the unsullied experience of people’s lives uncovering policy issues to be tended to. Planning isn’t finished concerning a strange target neighborhood beneficiary yet in very close contact with the people impacted by decisions. Planning contains less of field studies and data examinations, and a more noteworthy measure of social trade set apart by a pattern of normal learning Transactive planning moreover insinuates the progression of decentralized planning establishments that assist people with accepting expanding accountability for the social cycles that supervise their administration help.

“Planning is not seen as an operation separated from other forms of social action, but rather as a process embedded in the continual evolution of ideas validated through action” (Friedmann, 1973).

The reason for the Transactive planning model is to make the goals, which are accomplished by human interchanges and discourse among planners and the individuals influenced by planning.

Planning Process:

Planning is completed decentral in an open-air the ability of the planner and the exploratory information on the populace are joined and changed into shared measures. The planning cycle is described by:

  • Interpersonal discourse and common learning.
  • A focal spotlight on the individual and hierarchical turn of events.
  • Incorporation of customary information.
  • Thus, planning is more an abstract undertaking than a goal cycle.

Role of The Planners:

  • Planners go about as allies and members among many. Outfitted with specialized information, open and gathering mental abilities, organizers can decrease the variations between the members and agree.
  • Planners are the focal point of precise information; they additionally intervene between various interests and convey data between the entertainers in the planning cycle.


  • Support requires some speculation which parts of the general population don’t have, especially the more shocking ones. Their tendencies may be ignored.
  • High-interest costs.
  • In a few cases, the general population may not be set up to foresee the since a long-time prior run and appropriately defer fleeting satisfaction.

Advocacy planning:

Advocacy planning was developed in the sixties. It was established in enemy systems displayed upon the legitimate profession, and generally applied to shield the interests of frail against strong local communities, natural causes, poor people, and the disappointment against the setup forces of business and government and it was characterized and discussed by Paul Davidoff.

“Advocacy planning has proven successful as a means of blocking insensitive plans and challenging traditional views of a unitary public interest. In theory, advocacy calls for the development of plural plans rather than a unit plan” (Davidoff 1965).

One impact of the advocacy planning has been to move the detailing of social policy from reserved alcove dealings out of the shadows. Especially in working through the courts, it has infused a more grounded portion of standardizing standards into planning and more prominent affectability to unintended results of choices. A build-up of this can be found in the expanding prerequisites for ecological, social, and monetary effect reports to go with a huge scope project proposition, regardless of whether starting in the private or public area. Another outcome has been the more grounded linkage between social researchers and legal executive cycles in policy choices.


  • Raising of the public’s mindfulness.
  • Method of participatory planning and drawing in with the more extensive local area.
  • Allows planners to contend among themselves while speaking to the perspectives of their customers.
  • Raise the standard and nature of planning practices and results.
  • Creating a climate that energizes uplifting perspectives towards helpful cooperation.

Role of The Planners:

  • The role of planners included the values of democracy, pluralism, and legitimacy.
  • Responsibilities refer to the exercised activities of previous government officials.
  • Non-official informer and catalyst.
  • Facilitate debates and in its end promote decision-making.
  • Represent the interests of disadvantaged groups.


  • Traditional planners are the significant criticizers-they couldn’t acknowledge the idea of pluralism and the state of numerous interests in planning.
  • Too entrusting and hard for the planners in question.
  • Advocate Planners are demographically not quite the same as their ‘customers’.
  • Raises assumptions among the helpless that can’t be met.
  • Weakens the political impact of poor people.

Radical planning:

Radical planning is a stream of metropolitan planning which tries to oversee advancement in a fair and local area-based way. It is a vague custom, with two standards of reasoning that occasionally stream together.

One rendition is related to unconstrained activism, guided by an optimistic yet even-minded vision of confidence and a common guide. Like transactive planning, it focuses on the significance of self-awareness, an agreeable soul, and independence from control by unknown powers. More than other planning draws near, nonetheless, its place of flight comprises of explicit meaningful thoughts regarding aggregate activities that can accomplish solid outcomes in the short term.

The second stream of radical ideas takes a more basic and comprehensive gander everywhere scale social cycles: the impact of class structures and monetary connections; the control practiced by culture and media; the authentic elements of social developments, encounters, collusions, and battles. The emphasis is less on specially appointed critical thinking through the revived local area, and more on the hypothesis of the state, which supposedly permeates the personality of social and financial life at all levels, and thus decides the design and development of social issues.

Planning Process:

The cycle of radical planning follows:

  • Criticism of the ‘current request’ the given practice (or set up traditions).
  • Creation of new information, elaboration of an elective proposition (‘rising above’).
  • Development of activity system and strategies.
  • Dissemination of ‘data’, discovering partners.
  • Clash/Conflict with the current request and organizations.
  • Expansion on account of achievement


  • Radical planning is a vague custom; no reasonable guide exists for doing the planning.


No single methodology is perfect at all; however, a specific hypothesis can set up itself as “best” essentially because there are no remarkable alternatives kept in view. The SITAR model proposes a portion of these choices; however, relative assessment requires another progression the foundation of models for correlation of various customs’ qualities and shortcoming, alongside their shifting expectations and achievements. Past the SITAR planning customs, one can recognize extra ways of thinking demonstrative planning, base up planning, ethnographic planning techniques, social learning hypothesis, relative epistemologies of planning, metropolitan and local planning, essential requirements systems, metropolitan plan, natural planning, macroeconomic policy planning-the rundown goes on. An inquiry this raises is whether SITAR portrays a reasonable example of current intuition in planning hypothesis. The fundamental capacity of SITAR is to act on central questions that arise like purposes of dispute among the different planning conventions.

SITAR model applicability

Especially inside the synoptic planning, it is not entirely obvious the significance of individual work style and hypothetical direction in deciding the similarity between singular professionals and their customers. Planning isn’t just the activity of a specialized limit including target prerequisites of information, abilities, methods, and institutional systems. Similarly, as significant is the social way of thinking shared by the planner, the support, and the body electorate they are tending to. For certain reasons, it very well might be sufficient to survey target needs and convey answers for a “target” local area. Much of the time, nonetheless, it is important to understand issues through up close and personal communication with those influenced. In such circumstances, the planner’s viability depends on imparting verifiable grounds of correspondence to the two partners and customers on the degrees of data handling styles, esteem establishments of common understanding.

Planning has made some amazing progress in the last half-century. The Great Depression and World War II gave conclusive lifts to synoptic planning-the mandate for huge scope mediation in open issues, another collection of strategies, general acknowledgment of with a little use of foreknowledge and coordination in the public area. The world isn’t too clear or reliable in introducing issues to be addressed. Having planners with the capacity to blend approaches is the best way to guarantee that they can react with affectability to the variety of issues and settings defied, and to the multifaceted nature of some random circumstance.


Mayukh Biswas
Member of NOSPlan
School of Planning and Architecture, Vijayawada


  • Allison, Graham T. (1968). Conceptual models and the Cuban missile crisis: rational policy, organizational process, and bureaucratic politics. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.
  • Barclay, M. (1979). Comparison of Current Planning Theories: Counterparts and Contradictions. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Jan. 2021].
  • Holden, E. (1998). Planning Theory: Democracy or Sustainable Development? – Both (But don’t bother about the bread, please). Norway: Western Norway Research Institute. [Online] Available at:’t_bother_about_the_bread_please [Accessed 25 Jan. 2021].