What are environmental protection policies?

Environmental Policies form a foundation of the environmental improvements that are to be made by mass support and willpower. Environmental policies are a measure by the government or any public or private organization. It is to restore the damages caused to the environment and protect it from further damages. The beginning of environmental policies prevailed right from the historical city-state of ancient Greece. It created laws that governed forest harvesting many years ago.

environmental protection policies

What is the Importance of Environmental Policies?

Environment policies are must and few of its importance is noted below:

  • Policies help us maintain the law
  • They keep us alert and informed about the roles and responsibilities
  • This results in the reduction of incidents
  • They help in conserving environmental resources
  • These policies improve the efficiency of the processes

Some popular environmental policies around the world pose bans on single-use plastics and dangerous pesticides. The other such policies of India are

The National Green Tribunal Act 2010

This policy was enacted with an objective to establish National Green Tribunal for environment protection, conservation of forests and other natural resources. This policy also includes the enforcement of legal rights related to the environment and compensation in case of damages caused.

The Air Act 1981

The Air act is associated with the prevention and eradication of air pollution and also the setting up of central and state control boards.

The Water Act 1974

This act is meant for the reduction, prevention, and control of water pollution and restores the safe clean water all over the country. It further adds the formation of central and state water pollution control boards.

The Environment Protection Act, 1986

This act establishes the pillars for studying, planning and implementing the environmental safety essentials. The central government is to take firm steps for the improvement and safety of the environment.

Wildlife Protection Act, 1972

This policy is made exclusively for the protection of wild animals from poaching, smuggling, and illegal trade.

Forest Conservation Act, 1980

This act is enacted to conserve all the forests of India from deforestation and other destructive weapons.

Biological diversity act, 2002

This act aims at the conservation of biological resources and established the National Biological Authority at Chennai.

Environmental policies are needed because of deteriorating environmental values. There are a lot of negative effects that occur due to various human activities. Using a common resource without being concerned about its limitations will lead to further depletion of the resource.

Read more about – Environmental Protection Engineering, Environmental Planning