Why electronic document management is the best way to cut costs

Benefits such as “streamlined procedures” and “better operations” are often cited when discussing the advantages of electronic document management solutions. These are all genuine gains for a company, but when it comes to making an investment in Enterprise Content Management (ECM) technology, the bottom line is what really matters.

Savings opportunities exist for businesses of all sizes, in all sectors, and in all regions, despite the many disparities among them. This study analyses the leading seven ways in which a document management solution might cut costs for a company.

Electronic Document Management System Cost Saving


Savings in cold, hard cash are ultimately the most essential metric, both for what businesses actively seek and what they could reasonably hope to achieve. Businesses may cut costs and boost profits with the help of document management software. There are numerous ways in which document management software might boost profits.

One such method is centralizing the company’s data so that it can be conveniently searched and accessed when needed. Because of this, wasted time and effort spent looking for information are avoided entirely.

Research reports from the IT research and analysis firm Butler Group show that unsuccessful searches might waste as much as 10% of a company’s wage budget. Document management software also has the added benefit of eliminating the need for additional, more costly applications and technology. Your company will be able to derive even more benefit from its foundational business processes of power wheelchair business.

Going paperless is a common term for the usage of Document Management and Workflow technology in enterprises. Spending less on printers, cartridges, shipping, and paper can all add up when you’re trying to save costs.


Business tasks that need a lot of paperwork are referred to as “transactional content management” by Forrester Analyst Alan Weintraub. Without a document management system, employees must constantly file, shuffle, and search through paper documents as part of transactional procedures. It’s a waste of time and money for the company to go through these motions, which contribute nothing to the process. At first glance, it may not seem like a significant amount of time, but it will build up soon.

Execs waste an average of six weeks each year trying to track down misplaced paperwork.

Five-nine percent of the 1,000 middle managers at large organizations in the United States and the United Kingdom surveyed reported that they routinely fail to find critical information within their own companies.

The Delphi Group, a consulting organization based in Boston, estimates that between 15 and 30 percent of all office paper is misplaced at any given moment.

Because it allows an organization’s papers and data to be housed in a single location, document management software facilitates time tracking. Users can then easily locate the data they require to complete their tasks. No more replacing lost or misplaced documents, or constantly recreating the same ones.

Accounting Automation, which at Alimera Sciences includes document management and workflow automation, reduced invoice processing time by 93%.

Workflow automation is made feasible by document management systems, which speeds up the approval process and ensures that documents go to their intended recipients. There is no downtime due to waiting, as there would be with a manual procedure, because each step is completed immediately and automatically.

Document management solutions are centralized in a single portal. As a result of the elimination of walls between departments, employees may now communicate and collaborate with one another more quickly and efficiently than ever before in the company’s history.

By eliminating roadblocks to communication and streamlining administrative tasks, organizations free up their employees to concentrate on the value-adding tasks that drive growth.


Many companies still rely on paper records to keep track of their mountain of data and documents. When paper accumulates, it wastes resources and takes up valuable real estate that could be put to better use. When companies run out of physical storage capacity, they often resort to document management software as a last resort. For some, the space savings are an unexpected perk that they’re happy to have.

With the use of document management software, businesses may digitize their most vital records, data, and information. Data from hard copies is digitized and stored digitally. Rapid scanning and automatic classification of large document sets is now possible.

This eliminates the need for an external storage facility, the time and effort involved in manually filing documents, and the associated costs.


People in sales, those in the service industry, and those who work from home sometimes have to conduct business away from a traditional workplace. One of the challenges of managing remote workers is helping them learn to effectively collaborate and communicate with one another.

  1. How can mobile employees have instantaneous access to crucial company data?
  2. When out on the road, how can salespeople be most effective in their roles?

When CEOs aren’t in the office, how can they ensure everything is running smoothly?

Workflow and document management allow for data to be accessible remotely. Staff out in the field have access to all the necessary business information and files at any time and from any location. No longer are in-office visits necessary for executives handling approvals, salespeople submitting expense reports, or field employees gaining access to client data. Teamwork and collaboration can continue even while top management is travelling, eliminating any delays in productivity.

The 125 patrol officers in Forsyth County, all of whom are equipped with laptops thanks to DocuPhase’s web-based access, have instantaneous access to documents including arrest records, hand-written instant reports, and case information. Learn more…

The whole company benefits from having access to these technologies on the go. Now, you may get everything you need for your work without making the trip into the office, including documents, meetings, and approvals. Both executives who frequently travel for work and employees who occasionally do so can benefit financially from the option of working from home.


All businesses are obligated to comply with laws and regulations such as Sarbanes-Oxley 404 and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996. A good content management system can help an organization avoid legal issues and stay compliant.

Inquiring minds want to know:

  1. Do you have a secure document storage system in place to prevent unauthorized personnel from viewing sensitive files?
  2. Is it simple to access documents and data?
  3. Do we still have access to complete and accurate data?
  4. The organization’s financial stability and legal standing could be at stake if the responses to these questions aren’t an unqualified “yes.”

Using document management software simplifies record-keeping and guarantees that crucial files are kept safe for as long as necessary. In addition, sensitive data is protected via redaction and stringent authorization controls.

The purpose of rules and regulations is to establish uniform practices that ensure everyone plays by the same set of guidelines. To achieve this, we standardize procedures and reduce barriers to automating routine tasks. When a company gets audited, they will need to detail many different types of financial activity. The audit trails provided by document management software make conducting audits much simpler and more efficient. Everything that occurs within the system is recorded and may be easily retrieved thanks to audit trails.

During investigations, the e-discovery process that must be completed if a company finds itself in a scenario that could lead to legal action is simplified. With the aid of a solid content management solution and strategy, GRC programmers may be established and maintained.

Apoorv Durga discusses the function of document management software in terms of regulatory compliance on The Real Story Group.

“The majority of businesses believe that compliance is a drain on resources and does not lead to increased profits. People are understandably wary of investing in compliance projects as a result. Remember that improving your procedures and making your firm more flexible and consistent will cost money, but it is worth it in the long run. Therefore, compliance measures can be harmful to your bottom line in the short term, but ultimately beneficial.

6.Competitive Advantage

In the opinion of Steve Weissman, a business consultant at the Holly Group, document management technology is one of the finest ways for a company to establish or maintain a competitive edge. In a recent interview, he discussed the issue:

“As a means of keeping up with the competition, [document management technology] is crucial. It is effective whether or not you currently have the position of market leader. And this is something I frequently discuss with clients because they believe, “In any case, we’re the industry standard. Nothing is required of us. Each and every one of you needs to catch up to us. Investing in IT allows businesses to be more responsive to their customers, partners, shareholders, and other stakeholders, which is an important component of catching up.

Consequently, if you’re in the market leader position and doing nothing, your rivals are probably doing something. However, if you’re the one giving the leader a run for their money in your market and you find yourself in second, third, or 106th place, getting on board with some of these things can truly offer you a competitive edge. This is because the folks in front of you in line could not be following the rule.

With the right document management software, a company can gain an advantage over its rivals and succeed where others have failed.

Making one’s solution user-friendly is a great way to boost customer service and go ahead of the competition. BMW Financial Services discovered it could save its vehicle dealerships significant time and resources by switching to a paperless credit and contracting system.

The vice president of sales and marketing for BMW Group Financial Services, Shaun Bugbee, has stated that the paperless process has reduced the time required for routine transactions to under 30 minutes. This results in contented patrons. These advantages help a business gain trust and respect from consumers, rivals, and industry titans.


If a business is devastated by a natural disaster, it will certainly suffer significant losses before it can get back on its feet. It has been reported by FEMA that between 40 and 60 percent of small enterprises that suffer a data disaster never reopen. Two out of every five firms that restart after a crisis fail within a year.

It’s more likely that a company can recover and reopen after a natural disaster if it has the proper technologies and a plan in place. You can trust document management to protect your company’s sensitive data and information. If a company building is destroyed, it is still possible to salvage the company’s most valuable possessions. The following are the steps that a business must take in order to incorporate technology into its disaster recovery plan:

Data and files should be backed up and stored elsewhere or in the cloud for safekeeping. Put together a system that can monitor the longevity of records. Determine what data and infrastructure are most at danger and in need of protection by doing a risk assessment. Once a year, conduct a document audit to ensure everything is secure as it should be.

All of these cost reductions are realized directly by businesses, but selecting a DM system alone will not guarantee these benefits. No two companies are the same, thus no two document solutions should be either.

To select an effective document management solution, the organization must first determine its specific demands.

AIIM’s CIO Laurence Hart praises SharePoint for its “excellent for basic document management and basic collaboration” capabilities. SharePoint is a wonderful tool for making websites for groups working on a common project. Ready to roll up your sleeves? Good, since you’ll need them for Business Process Management, Business Intelligence, Records Management, or Web Content Management.” Constantly keep in mind:

  1. What is the current process for getting tasks done within the company? I was wondering how the current system operates.
  2. The company needs a document management system because of. Which factors are the most crucial?
  3. So, what exactly are you hoping to accomplish with this solution? How will we know whether or not they were successful?

For optimal performance, businesses need to implement a document management software system tailored to their unique needs. The implementation itself is crucial. Beyond the programme itself, the most valuable solutions are those that provide additional value. Professionals with extensive knowledge and experience may assess the company’s document management needs, produce a ROI analysis, and implement the necessary changes to maximize the return on investment.

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