7 advices for becoming a successful freelancer

A common misconception about freelancing is that you sit at home while work comes to you. Successful freelancers search for work online and do them according to some principles that increase their output. In anything you do, you need the right tips to become outstanding.

Maybe you sometimes wonder why some freelancers are very successful while some are not. We’ll open your eyes to see the tips that successful freelancers apply and further show you how to become one of the most successful freelancers.

1. Get a good working environment for yourself

Some people get it wrong by concluding that a freelancer can work in any area and in all environments. It’s wrong to assume so because the environment where you work reflects a lot in your efficiency. Set aside a particular conducive area for yourself. Organize such area and furnish it with everything you need to work with.

Your environment directly affects your output. For example, if you’re working in a slum-like environment, characterized by a foul smell, it will be difficult for you to concentrate on your work. To make yourself feel comfortable, you should work in a good environment.

2. Search for clients online

Search clients Online

Don’t just sit back and fold your arms, thinking that work will come to you. You must go online and search for clients. You can search for clients by creating profiles on many freelance platforms and ask other freelancers to link you with clients. This is very important because you can’t be a successful freelancer if you don’t have clients you work for.

3. Be transparent with your clients

You need to be transparent with all your clients before you can become a successful freelancer. A proofreader advises that a freelancer should be truthful with his or her client at all times. This is important because it’s one of the ways through which you can build your reputation.

More clients will want to work with you when they realize that you are a truthful freelancer. Let your clients know when you won’t have chance to work for them or meet their deadline. Your profession will be going fine this way and you won’t get bad remarks.

4. Set your working hours

In order to be a successful freelancer, you need to organize everything you do, including the time you set aside for work. Even if you can’t work 24/7, you should have your fixed working hours. It’s the way you can discipline yourself to work harder and faster in order to become successful.

If you don’t have definite working hours, you may end up doing other things at times when you ought to be working. If your goal is to become a successful freelancer, you must have a time that you set aside for work only.

5. Say ‘no’ when you should

You can’t always say yes! Sometimes, you need to say ‘no’ to some things or people, if you must be successful. At this point, you may begin to wonder how saying ‘no’ can make you a successful freelancer. You can’t continue accepting more job offers when you already have more than enough to do.

At such times, explain to your client that you can’t accept the job. Be polite in doing so and make your client understand that you’re turning down the offer in order to avoid disappointment. This will help you to avoid making empty promises.

6. Work in your specialized zone

It’s quite nice if you are good in many kinds of freelance service and offer them all, but it’s nicer if you specialize in a particular one. As a graphic designer for instance, you can decide to specialize in corporate design only and leave out product design, interfaces, signage etc. However, you must consider demand and your strong point before choosing your specialty.

Aside from making you a proficient freelancer, specialization has many other benefits. The general rule of thumb is that; you become better at whatever you do frequently. So, if you specialize, you’ll become an expert in that area and success will be sure. Everyone must always improve his skills. Therefore, draw advantage from specialization to improve your skill.

7. Eliminate disturbances and distractions

Eliminate Disturbances

Distractions and disturbances will constitute a hindrance to achieving your goals. They come in various forms such as; invitation from friends to hang out, visitations, social media, etc. To eliminate these distractions, switch off your phone while working. Also, make it clear to friends and relatives that you’re busy with work. Make sure you avoid distractions from yourself too.  By doing this, you’ll be able to maximally utilize your working hours to attain success.


What’s the purpose of freelancing, if not the success we aim to achieve through it? As a freelancer who wants to be successful, the advices above are the perfect information you need. They serve as the final nugget of understanding for opening the door to your new career, new lifestyle, and financial freedom.