The several ways in which technology may prevent a food crisis

Environmentalists view that the earth is moving towards a food shortage crisis. International establishments predict that the production of food may double by 2050 to meet the increasing population requirements. Simultaneously, land and resources are becoming scarce, and global warming produces such severe fluctuations in the earth’s environment. There is no foreseeable way to reverse the damage that has been done. It is an age-old phenomenon whereby humanity has to deal with food shortages and find solutions for overcoming these challenges.

Technology new perspective

The first response of humankind to food shortage was agriculture when it had to rely on hunting for its sustenance. It is here that Hani Zeini draws the attention of readers towards the advances in irrigation, fertilizer, and mechanized farming, which has evolved as a necessary tool for supporting the fast-growing population.

With time, resources, land, and water will increase in their demand due to population increase.

With the help of the internet, Artificial Intelligence, and robotics, the technical world is trying to level up to help humankind deal with this food shortage problem.

Some essential ways suggested for overcoming food shortages by Hani Zeini

  • Internet – Not the Internet but the “Internet of Things” is one of the fastest-growing industry technologies. It has enabled man to expand the Internet’s reach beyond the laptop, desktop, and mobile devices into the physical world. Smart sensors are a part of these devices, which enable gathering data about the quality of life and physical state of things. It encompasses the quality of seeds, plants, soil, and other elements of agriculture. You may utilize the collected data to gain insights and thereby perform precision farming, providing water resources in those areas where the soil’s moisture level is low. There are various remote-control capabilities of technology that may lead to great changes within the agriculture industry and its equipment.

IoT, one of the quickest developing areas of the tech business, has empowered us to extend the web past our work area, PC and cell phones to the actual world that encompasses us. By 2020, there will be in excess of 20 billion associated gadgets across the world.

Brilliant sensors will represent an enormous piece of these gadgets, and they will accumulate information about the actual state and nature of things, including soil, plants, seeds, and so forth

The accumulated information can be utilized to gather bits of knowledge and perform exactness cultivating, for example, applying water to territories where the dampness of soil has dropped as opposed to squandering water on colossal patches of land that needn’t bother with it. An IoT-oversaw watering framework can significantly diminish utilization while simultaneously expanding yields.

IoT can build ranch yields. Sensors implanted all through homesteads demonstrate where soil is wet, disintegrated, or lacking supplements, so ranchers can quickly and appropriately treat soil to energize crop development. Sensors screen crop wellbeing, demonstrating where harvests are flourishing and where they are not, and impart signs to cultivate hardware which utilizes the information to consequently apply compost and pesticides—the perfect sum and precisely where the synthetic substances are required – empowering development and expanding crop yields.

Added to that are the controller capacities of IoT and mechanical IoT frameworks, which will empower minute changes and computerized changes to be applied to farming apparatus and hardware.

  • Robotics and drones – With the spread of urbanization, farmworkers will eventually lose their jobs. Although the demand for food will never decrease, there will be a decrease in employment in the agricultural sector. These individuals will have to run to the urban areas for job opportunities. The vacancy left behind in rural areas may get filled with drones capable and more flexible than heavy machinery and hard-working human beings. The use of weed detection software and farmer drones may also increase the overall productivity per hectare of land.

As people become more urbanized, farmfield laborers will turn out to be all the more scant. Be that as it may, interest for food won’t decrease and will just increment. The void left from people leaving rustic zones for urban communities can be loaded up with drones and droids that are significantly more able, adaptable and moderate than large equipment—and substantially more dedicated than people.

While having the option to supplant people in fields, a blend of IoT and laser prepared robots can likewise perform errands with higher accuracy, and apply energy and assets to the specific spots and areas that are required.

For example, utilizing IoT sensors and weed recognition programming, rancher robots will have the option to apply herbicide or laser exterminators to the specific area where it is needed as opposed to spreading colossal measures of synthetic substance on wide territories where it will go to squander or accomplish more harm than great.

Robots take centimeter-level pictures that uncover considerably more insight concerning a harvest’s condition, including plant tallness, plant check, plant wellbeing, presence of infection, presence of weeds, and presence of supplements. Robots can examine a whole field, regardless of whether it is five sections of land or 5,000, completing in hours what might generally require weeks, and convey prior recognition of weeds, bothers, and different variations from the norm so ranchers can rapidly make a restorative move.

  • Analytics and machine-learning – The combination of analytics and machine learning and specialized sensors may open up new opportunities in the field of agriculture. On the other hand, machine learning will help detect problems and provide solutions for the same. At the point when joined with AI and investigation, information gathered from IoT sensors can open up absolutely additional opportunities. For example, in the animals business, by gathering the enormous measures of information gathered by IoT sensors and taking care of it to cloud-fueled AI calculations, animals ranchers will have the option to gather noteworthy bits of knowledge that will empower them to improve creation.

By gathering sensor-created information from bovines and ingesting it, ranchers can dissect and improve the quality, combination and timing of the feed and increment milk yield without expanding the measure of feed.

Besides, AI and profound learning can be utilized to recognize issues quicker than people. A picture examination calculation took care of with photographs of unhealthy and solid plant leaves, from which it figures out how to consequently filter picture updates of fields and recognize the wellbeing status of leaves and regions that are dangerous and need consideration.

Different employments of AI in horticulture incorporate calculations that unite climate conjectures and ecological information for various territories and help make forecasts, for example, the development of bug or loss of supplements, which can help ranchers make a move before harm is finished. Prescient support is probably the most grounded utilization of the assembly of IoT and AI.

 Advanced analytic tools take the information from sensors and robots to precisely foresee the quality, amount, and timing of harvests. Furnished with nonstop information about yields, ranchers can more readily anticipate when to collect and the quality and amount of harvest yields. They can proactively deal with each progression of the worth chain, making sure about the most proficient and practical transportation and guaranteeing food arrives at the correct objective rapidly, taking care of more individuals.

There are enormous possibilities when humankind tries to amalgamate natural resources with artificial technology. However, critical is the cautiousness of human beings who should not exploit the natural resources and maintain the balance of nature.