Mobile Application Development and Maintenance: Benefits and Best Practices

Every day, thousands of mobile apps appear on the Apple App Store and Google Play. Social networks, instant messengers, games, etc. – all this is done by professionals according to a single development algorithm. It consists of several main stages: idea development, strategy development, design development, direct application development, market launch, and maintenance.

If you do not know how to create application software but need quality development services, you should contact experienced professionals. For this, just visit the website and get support from the business application developers. JatApp offers custom enterprise software engineering, software integration, legacy app updating, consolidating application portfolios, etc. Therefore, be sure that you can get the services you need from the professionals of this CMMS software development company.

In this review, read important information about the application development process and get valuable tips to increase its efficiency.

App Development

What Is App Development and What Stages Does It Include?

Mobile app development is the creation of special software that will work effectively on a mobile device. It requires time, good knowledge and skills, as well as a sufficient budget. In addition, since the development of an application for iOS or Android is a complex technological process, it requires careful planning. Preparing the project and creating a prototype of the application is an integral and very important part of the project, which, just like programming, requires significant labor costs.

Each of the software and application development stages is described in detail in the sections below. Study the material carefully.


At the initial stage, it is critical to define software development idea. It is important to get an agreed and consistent description of what will be created later. The idea is discussed and formalized, optimal ways of implementation are proposed, and a list of basic requirements is drawn up.


A map is created that visually demonstrates all the features of the product. Prototypes display all application screens and the scheme of transitions through them. Depending on the requirements, prototypes can be static or interactive.


At this stage, the design of all screens of the future program is created and various states for all usage scenarios are drawn. All elements of the graphic interface are subject to usability research to make sure that the adopted design solutions are ergonomic and allow the user to effectively solve their tasks.


The process of generating a mobile application consists of several stages. At each stage, the customer is involved in the process, and intermediate application packages are periodically transferred for review.


The app is installed on test devices and checked for compliance with the technical specifications. All inconsistencies and found problems are corrected at this stage.


After the customer accepts the application, the application is submitted to AppStore or Google Play for publication. Each application is reviewed by Google and Apple teams. Acceptance in Google Play takes no more than a day. The process of acceptance in the AppStore can take about a week.

After a successful publication, the maintenance stage begins. At this stage, new functionality is discussed and evaluated, development plans are drawn up. Read on to find out more about this.

What Is Application Maintenance?

One of the most important factors prompting a user to uninstall an app is the presence of nasty bugs or app crashes. Post-launch maintenance work ensures that bugs are fixed in a timely manner. It includes various important tasks such as maintaining servers, push notifications, and payment gateways.

Regular application maintenance helps maintain app retention levels. Support and monitoring help provide critical user experience insights. This makes it easy to stay on top of changing user preferences, concerns, and habits. Frequent app updates also help developers keep up with the competition.

Benefits of App Development and Maintenance

Mobile app development and maintenance services are used in various fields today. This is due to the fact that they allow achieving the goals easily and quickly. Thus, for example, in corporate business, the application allows automating complex workflows. With its help, you can create a convenient system for interacting with staff and customers, analyze work efficiency, and quickly receive feedback.

As for the e-commerce sphere, the application allows attracting new customers and increases the number of repeat sales. It can also be used to tell users about new products and promotions and create a customer loyalty system.

Through application development and maintenance, startups can quickly bring an idea to market and make the first profit. It also allows interesting investors and studying the audience using internal statistics.

In general, the development and maintenance of applications contribute to the solution of the following tasks:

  • Apply modern technologies (for example, augmented reality);
  • Keep the client’s attention on the offers (as opposed to a website where the user can easily go to a competitor);
  • Work directly with the target audience anywhere and anytime;
  • Shorten, simplify, and improve the customer journey;
  • Receive instant feedback from users;
  • Increase audience loyalty;
  • Produce more accurate and faster analytics, such as the number of customers, costs and profits, etc.

Application Development and Maintenance Best Practices and Expert Tips

Developing an application is not as easy as it may seem at first glance. To make this process more successful, it is recommended to use the best practices described below:

  1. Find experienced partners. With the support of qualified and experienced experts, you will be able to achieve your goals without any problems;
  2. Train your team. Assembling a team, do not forget about its regular training. This will allow team members to stay up to date with new trends in the development and maintenance of the application;
  3. Document your strategy. Think clearly and document the strategy you will follow;
  4. Test user experience. Since you are working directly with clients, it is very important for you to test user experience and get timely feedback;
  5. Remain compliant. Consider explicit policies, regulations, and make your applications compatible to avoid penalties;
  6. Prioritize communication. Regular communication with team members will allow you to find original solutions and work smoothly at every stage of the mobile application implementation;
  7. Be adaptable and flexible. The apps you create should meet the requirements of customers, yet be highly adaptable and flexible.


The development and maintenance of a mobile application is a really complex process that requires a lot of knowledge, skills, and time. If you want to learn it yourself, the above best practices will help you with that. If you are not a qualified developer but want to get quality app development and maintenance services, then you can easily contact the experts and get quality services!
