How to Write a Book Review?

As an avid reader, you know how book reviews are important in our world today. Not only do they help us spot great books to read but also act as a bridge to most bookworms all over the world. Reviews give us a chance to share our thoughts with other readers while helping you keep track of what you have on your shelf.

When it comes to writing a book review, the majority of people struggle. To help you write some of the best book reviews, we’ve compiled a list of proven tips. Whether you are reviewing books online or your blog, this guide will help you progress to the next level. Let’s get started!

Understand and describe the plot

According to custom essay writing service, the first thing every reader wants to know is what the book is all about. However, describing the plot needs to be well-balanced while writing your book review. You need to share enough information to hook your readers without giving much of it away.

You also don’t have to veer towards writing a book report. Give a background story on the plot just as the author has outlined on the cover of the book. Focus on other important elements that you think your readers should be aware of.

Forget about spoilers

Spoilers should be avoided at all costs. Most readers will take spoilers very seriously. However, the majority of book review writers continue to include them in their work every time out. In most cases, writers are tempted to share spoilers because they are the elements that give readers an intense reaction.

It could be unveiling a surprise, a sudden turn of the story or a shocking death. While writing your book review, you should ensure that you are not robbing your readers any discovery or genuine emotional reaction. The best thing to do about spoilers is to avoid them completely.

Hook your readers

There are two types of hooks that you should consider using in your book reviews. The first one is how to stop your reader scrolling and reading the review from the beginning to the end.

The second one is to convince them to purchase the book. Do not wait until the middle of the summary of your book review to try to captivate and engage your readers. Hook them using the first sentence. Think of the reasons why chose to read the book and use it to inspire others by writing about it.

Writing Book Review

Make clear opinions

This tip is quite obvious however, a reviewer may get so busy describing the plot that he or she forgets to share his or her insight. You need to make your opinions clear not only at the beginning of your book review but also throughout your review.

While describing the plot, share your opinions on the things that didn’t work or worked about events and characters of the book. Tell your readers why they have to or don’t have to read this book.

Celebrate your uniqueness

Readers usually read the works of specific reviewers because the writer understands their reading taste and readers enjoy the style of review. When writing a book review, keep in mind that you are unique. No one can write like you or provide insights like you. Celebrating your uniqueness is one of the best ways to share your passion with avid readers.

Therefore, personalize your review. Don’t aim for perfection or get discouraged when this doesn’t work out immediately. Keep reading and reviewing and your writing style will develop in the long run. Remember, everything worthwhile takes time.

Use a rating system

Ratings will help readers get a sense of how you felt about the book. If you publish your reviews on your blog, choose a rating system that will work for you. Also, ensure that you explain clearly how it works for your readers to understand it.

If you review books on popular online platforms such as Goodreads or Bookish, you’ll find a good rating system in place. Think of how you rating the books personally fits into the system. For instance, half stars might be available on your blog but not on the platform. Therefore, decide if you are going to round them up or not.

Consider other reviews

Visit your preferred book review site and find effective examples. As yourself, “What do I like about this review?” Once you’ve noted down the reasons, look for ways to showcase these elements uniquely.

Maybe the quotes kept you engaged or the strong voice of the reviewer. Do you enjoy reading conversational reviews? Do you like humorous reviews? Or do you like a serious tone? By considering all these techniques, you’ll figure out some of the best ways to make your reviews successful.

Explain your praise and critique

When writing book reviews, you need to explain your praise or critique so that readers can get the entire picture. For instance, don’t just state that the book has amazing characters. Describe what makes them amazing. Don’t write that the book was long and boring.

Describe the elements that failed to keep you engaged. This will help your readers get the entire picture clearly and decide for themselves whether the book is worth their time and money. Thoughtful critique and praise always works like magic.

Keep your audience in mind

Inform your readers if you’d recommend the book and to which type of people. Different books are suited for different readers.

Therefore, you’ll need to be clear and specific about who is going to enjoy reading the book. You should keep in mind that even if you didn’t enjoy reading a particular book, there’s a chance that it will appeal to other readers and your review could help them discover the book.

Proofread before publishing

The fastest way to lose your reputation and credibility is to post a review that is full of typos. Review your work at least three times before posting on online platforms. Check the spellings, facts, pronouns, and quotes used. The last thing you want is to lose your readers because you posted too quickly.


Writing a book review is one of the best things you can do for yourself and your readers. To write great book reviews, take regular breaks and remind yourself why you are reviewing the book.

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